Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Archaeo.Lab에서 분석 가능한 시료

Archaeo.Lab (아케오랩) 은 수년간 다양한 고고학 시료에 대한 연구 경험을 바탕으로 고고학 현장에서 얻어지는 다양한 생물학 시료에 대한 종합적 분석 데이터를 제공하고자 설립이 계획되고 있는 회사입니다.

본사에서 분석, 보고 가능한 시료 및 검사의 종류는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 다양한 시대의 분묘에서 확보된 사람 뼈에 대한 인류학적 분석 및 계측 (성별, 나이 등)
2. 피장자 본인의 DNA 분석 (mtDNA, autosomal STR, Y STR 등)
3. 피장자 사망원인의 확인 (법인류학적 감식)
4. 감염성질환 이환 여부 (치아로 부터 DNA 추출 후 전염성 질환 원인균 DNA 확인)
5. 피장자 유전성질환 유무 확인 (DNA 혹은 단백질에 의함)
6. 고기생충 이환여부 확인 (현미경적 관찰 혹은 DNA 검사에 의함)
7. 고영양학적 분석 (Stable isotope analysis)
8. 대동물 분석 (소, 돼지 등)
9. 고식물 DNA
10. 조선시대 미라에 대한 포괄적 조사

위 조사중 일부를 선택하여 조사를 의뢰할수도 있습니다.

본사 업무는 아직 개시되지 않았으며 필요한 법적 절차가 완료 된 후 회사업무가 시작될 것입니다.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Authentication of aDNA analysis

In this section, we summarized our efforts for making aDNA work much authentic during the entire procedure from archaeological field to wet lab works. Please follow the links below.

Our Works in Archaeological Fields
We believe that most of debates on authenticity of aDNA work must have been settled if biologists and archaeologists could have collaborated to minimize the possible modern DNA contamination of samples in every procedure from archaeological fields to aDNA lab....,

Criteria of Authentication
There are many viewpoints on the Criteria of Authentication, espically about the needs of such Criteria in aDNA lab works. Someone think that it is really needed for authentic aDNA work; the others say this is just formalities, not needed for researchers. I do not want to make a comment on whether the Criteria is really helpful for authenticating our aDNA results or not. What we want to care about is making our aDNA results without possibility of contamination as possibly as we can. If we could guarantee the authenticity of our aDNA work just by following the Criteria, why shouldn't we do it? We have followed, and will follow this Criteria  until another persuasive way for making aDNA work much authentic could be discussed among related researchers.

Lab Setting
After the samples were moved to our lab, we should perform aDNA works in a lab, following Criteria of Authentication, which have been suggested by a number of aDNA researchers. Among them, we explain our lab setting for authentic aDNA work.

IRB Approval of Our aDNA Work
During our aDNA work, it has been needed that sequences or profiles from ancient samples should be compared to those of participants in our study. This is indispensable to show if any modern DNA contamination from researchers was occuring during aDNA work. We got IRB certification on genetic analysis of participants in our studies.

Arrangement of Labs

I have run my own lab for the past 10 years. Therefore, conventional setup for biological experiments is already available in my lab, i.e., microscopic observation, immunohistological studies, in situ hybridization, PCR, and Western or Norther blots. Sequencing is also available in IFM where a number of sequencers are in full operation. aDNA works are done on human mtDNA, autosomal STR and Y STR in my lab. PCRs for ancient parasite, viral or bacterial could be also performed. Though it might be too crampled for comport experiments, the instruments or reagents in my lab are arraned for effective experiment on ancient samples.

One of the most crucial points in our lab setting is making them fit for aDNA analysis, by following the Criteria of Authentication (Hofreiter et al. 2001, Marota & Rollo 2002, Willerslev & Cooper 2005). Briefly, the distance between aDNA extraction or PCR preparation rooms of Building A and main PCR lab in Building B is about 60 meters. On 4th floor in Building A, there is not any lab performing PCR amplification of modern DNA. The rooms for aDNA extraction or PCR preparation were separated from our main lab where we did PCR works. The rooms were equipped with night UV irradiation, isolated ventilation, or laminated flow hood. The researchers in our lab should follow instructions in Criteria of Authenticity (Hofreiter et al. 2001, Marota & Rollo 2002, Willerslev & Cooper, 2005). None could enter into aDNA extraction or PCR preparation rooms without permission.